is doing better than expected after his oral surgery yesterday. Thank you to all who sent prayers our way. Despite some swelling and pain, he is doing really well. I have to say, he is
being a much better patient than I would be had the roles been
reversed. Of course, watching football seems to have the amazing ability to cause men to forget most earthly things ... even their pain.
I couldn't resist buying John his favorite candy yesterday as a something-to-look-forward-to-once-you've-recovered treat. Looks rather adorable in this orange, polka-dotted, miniature casserole dish. Adds a pleasantly festive pop against our black bookshelves in the den.
In other news, I am nearly finished with my first attempt at crocheting a purse. It is for my cousin. She loves bright colors. I have to admit I am rather proud of myself as this is the most daring scheme of color and texture I have ever put together on my own. If nothing else, Lucy seems to be quite the fan of this project. I look forward to sharing the completed project with you soon.
The days have been deepy-dark grey here inviting one to hibernate lazily on the couch. We may even get a wintry mix of snow and rain later this evening... and its only October 1st! I am so excited to catch a glimpse of snow, but most of my fellow Ohioans are staunchly against this prospect. Guess I am a bit of a loon when it comes to the white flaky substance. Always have been and always will. My idea of heaven would be to one day own a snowy, Montana mountain retreat.
May your weekend be lovely in every way!
(and may snow come my way soon)
(and may snow come my way soon)