Okay, okay. I know tomorrow is
Thanksgiving, but I just uploaded my Halloween pictures and could not
resist sharing. My parents host an annual fall harvest/Halloween/bonfire
bash for our extended family. This year was doubly special because both
my parents turned the big 5-0. (special note: the awesome skeleton key was scored from a Michael's dollar bin!)
It was fun devising a theme that incorporated the
season's colors but also gave an elegant nod to the birthday aspect of
things. I was most proud of my "cards" bunting because it was not
pre-planned and came together without much conscious thought yet somehow
looked cuter than everything I had been meticulously planning in my head all week!
The "50" pendants were simply made from cupcake liners and numbers printed from a Word document in Algerian font.
Each year, my father plans a surprise for all of us. We are always on pins and needles trying to figure it out, but we never can. As you can see from the picture above, he truly outdid himself this year! After mysteriously disappearing for a while, he came walking up the long drive, carrying only this lantern and a walking stick. His black cape billowed ominously behind him and the fog machine whirred on in perfect time to his arrival. We were all seated around the campfire anxious for what was coming next. He then dramatically and powerfully recited in its entirety Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell Tale Heart. It was certainly a night to remember!
We could not have asked for better weather for this momentous occasion.
Everything sparkled and gleamed in the waning afternoon light. As
darkness fell, the twinkle lights cast their romantic glow over the
spread. Many happy hearts gathered to share a night of
laughter, fun,
and frolic.
May you make many such a dear and joyous memories as you gather with loved ones this week!