Well, I did see some of you on Pinterest ;-) It has been so much fun finding new ideas, new projects for the home, new recipes, and most of all - connecting with new people who share my interests! I definitely see now how blogging and Pinterest can go hand in hand.
For example:
See this pin above from the Mod Podge Rocks blog? It inspired me to use materials I all ready had on hand to make this.
I hung it beneath the wreath that was the backdrop for our wedding cake last July. It has white twinkle lights woven through it which make a lovely golden glow in this corner during the cozy winter evenings.
Meanwhile, even though my blog has been woefully neglected, my hands have still been busy with more than a few happifying makes. And now that we are finally getting inches and inches of the fluffy white stuff, snow days have given me the opportunity to get even more projects done around our home.
To briefly catch you up on our corner of the world, the last week of 2011 was full of beautiful memories of times spent together with friends and family. Lucy (aka Punkin Bear as John has affectionately nicknamed her) enjoyed our first Christmas together as a family.Her antics keep us in stitches and her sweet, loving cuddles warm the cockles of our hearts. Since we do not plan to start a family right away, she is truly our furry child and we are eating up every minute of being her "mom" and "dad."
Hope your 2012 is off to a wonderful start. May every day of this year bring you more joy and less sorrow!