Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Scripture

One of my favorite scriptures in the whole Bible is Zephaniah 3:17. 
It has been a rock on which I stand through many a trial and tribulation. Envisioning God's loving care presiding over my life, helps me realize that even though right here and right now may feel like the end of it all, I have One who is soooo much bigger than my current feelings. I have One who sees my life from start to finish and knows exactly how much I can bear. 
He is my Constant. My Shield and my Buckler. I will extol His name forevermore! 

Doesn't this verse just make you want to start singing? 

The King James version of this scripture starts out, "The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty..." Such a comfort to know He is there in the middle of it all right by your side.

So please remember, dear friends:

There is so much to be thankful for if we but open our eyes to see.

Sending my love to each of you today!