It was a full yet merry Christmas season for us.

Added some new pops of color to the traditional Christmas mix. My hubby was far more gracious about the appearance of this brightly pink mini tree than I thought he would be. *sigh of relief*

A sense of nostalgia always envelopes me when I hang up the stocking my mother embellished 27 years ago in honor of my very first Christmas (hence why the white fur edging has gone a little grey).

It was a mad dash to get all the presents wrapped. Normally, I wrap them early so as to enjoy seeing the parcels all snugged up under the tree in sweet anticipation of the big day. Not so this year. Hubby and I had a hurried afternoon wrapping marathon last Sunday. We were so relieved to have it all done in the nick of time!

Lucy Cat was a big fan of the Christmas decorations sniffing, exploring, and cuddling in among them.

I was thankful for a snow day last Friday as if afforded me that one extra day to get caught up on all the finishing touches I had fallen so far behind on this year.

I streamed this holiday classic on my iPad whilst signing Christmas cards in bed one evening. When Mr. Crosby's deep voice began to sing, Lucy Cat sat real close to the screen and pretty soon she started rolling and purring among the blankets. I believe she is a very big fan of Bing's vocal talents. Certainly gave me a tickle to watch her!

The baking was done with barely a moment to spare. I do believe the candy-themed kitchen decorations are among my very favorite in our whole house as they always bring a smile to my heart even in the most harried moments of this busy season.

Despite a rush to meet a baking deadline, I did take a little time to play around and enjoy my creations. Not very well decorated cupcakes, I must admit, but stick one on a cute cupcake sled and the sloppy red drizzles no longer seem to matter as much ;-)

Quiet cups of stolen time were one of my chief delights this year. Time to pause, catch my breath, and make a game plan for how to best tackle the rest of my ever-growing to-do list. I also used these moments to sneak in some extra time on Instagram or in reading some of my Christmas magazines inevitably thumbing down a new idea. The majority of these inspired pages ended up having to be saved for Christmas 2013....

Yesterday, I awoke to this beautiful scene of snowbound goodness. I was sad that my annual day-after-Christmas shopping spree with Mimsie was postponed, but ended up reveling in a day of softly falling peace, playing with my new goodies, and tucking away the myriad of ribbons, bows, bags, and wrapping boxes for next year.
All in all, it was a lovely holiday. I am so thankful for the nearness of friends and family. So much to treasure for many years to come!
Hoping your holiday was beautiful and that your 2013 will shine with God's goodness and mercy.