I can never resist a bag of buttons. Especially when the procuring of them is made entirely too much fun. The vendor had cleverly stowed her button collection in one large and alluring vintage bucket complete with a metal ladle. I kid you not. I was sifting through her buttons for a good half hour picking and choosing carefully until this bag was brimful to the top. I find it adorable how the bag's pear shape makes it look like a patchwork fruit from a distance.
A quarter seemed none too much to pay for this wealth of miniature white rings. I cannot wait to try crocheting them into little wreath ornaments with different color schemes for each holiday.
Lastly, I found these abandoned finials and mini tart tins. I think with the right glue, I can make the finials into a tiered plate stand for craft notions. Undecided as to whether I want to keep the weathered brass or just spray paint them some vibrant shade of aqua or pink. The tart tins have come in handy for displaying tea lights or small candies. They also work exceedingly well for corralling roly poly thumb tacks.
Treasure hunting through vintage ephemera is always so exhilarating! What lovely finds have you been exulting over recently?