As is my usual custom, I handmade at least one gift and bought some little sweet treasures that remind me of Mimsie. This posie was my hand made portion. I had a yummy smelling candle in a purple tin, but the top of the tin had a design that made it clear this was intended for use at Halloween time. So, I decided to top it with a posey!
To make the a similar flower, simply make a magic ring and single crochet to the desired fullness (I believe for this one it was 10 sc). Next, chain a length and single crochet over chains ending with a slip stitch in the front of the closest single crochet in the ring to form a loop. Continue all the way around. Then, do the same only this time making longer chains to single crochet in the backloops of the ring single crochets.
There is actually a silver, metal butterfly hotglued into the center of the posey, but I had also made a magnet out of the paper rose you see and wanted it to be protected on the journey to Mimsie's. Hence, it was stuck to the metallic butterfly for added cushioning and eclipsed in all pictures.
Mimsie put the purple beadspray wreath I got her into immediate use.
We topped off the day with Pineapple Cream Pie. So refreshing!
And that, my friends, was our Mother's Day celebration for this year. Will be back to the present time with my next post.
Wishing you all a very lovely day!