My one and only little sis is moving states away to North Dakota the end of May. I have been trying to soak up every spare moment I can in her company. It is a bittersweet time. She has always been in my life close by and never more than a twenty minute drive away. Now, she will be nearly a 24 hour drive away. She has landed a really great job opportunity, so I am very happy for her. Still.... it is a change that is going to be hard to get used to.
On a brighter note, the end of the school year also brings my sister-in-law's wedding! The flowers pictured above are just a sampling of the 95 flowers I crocheted and sewed in honor of her big day. Her wedding is going to be a beautiful rainbow sherbet of pastels. Each of the five flower girls will be outfitted in a dreamy tulle skirt stitched in one of the coordinating colors. I imagine they will look rather like miniature pink, purple, mint, butter yellow, and soft blue flower fairies.
These hands have been busy with projects aplenty, but slow to snap pictures of the final products. Plan to get more posts up later this week. Till then...
May your days be merry!