Saturday last, Mimsie and I had a frolic in the countryside. Our county held a five barn tour in celebration of farms that had been in families for over a hundred years. At each of the stops along the driving tour (which was about a 22 mile loop), there were displays from local nature societies and businesses, historical information about each barn as well as live music and artists en plein air.
This structure was made by a local carpenter using only the traditional methods of notched wood, dove tail joinings, and handmade wooden pegs. Quite impressive to behold and built to scale to boot!
One of my favorite stops along the way. Mimsie bought us a lovely peach pie from this Amish bakery. The crust was divine -
all evenly golden on top with the perfect amount of flakiness. Mmmmm....
Mimsie snapped this photo of me beside the garden that was to the side of the Amish farmhouse and bakery. Just love how neat and tidy it looks. The windmill over my shoulder was whirring happily in the breeze. I think it liked sporting its freshly painted self for all the visitors to see.
While only two of the five farms featured were Amish, this is where I had my camera most handy. I love how the family reinvented tree stumps into new and beautiful purposes.
One of the artists en plein air hard at work. The heat was rather brutal that day, but the shade did afford a pleasing breeze.
~ Bachelor's Buttons ~
Does anyone happen to know what plant these egg shells are guarding?
I am very curious to find out. The eggshells glistened so attractively in the afternoon sunshine.
I must admit, I was rather mad about these goats taking endless pictures of their antics. They seemed to float up and down the hillside obviously enjoying the golden rays of a June sun.
Wagon ride!
(try saying that 3 times fast... hehe)
The raised vegetable beds in this potager garden gave me a bit of garden envy. Somehow, raised beds give off an air of being easy to care for thus dazzling me with delusions that I would be a better gardener if only I had some raised beds, too.
(Although my rational self knows this to be entirely untrue)
All in all, it was a lovely day to discover the hidden charms of our local countryside and a wonderful way to support local art and business. I'm really glad Mimsie and I took advantage of this unique opportunity.
Wishing you all a lovely day!