My heart is sad that I have been away from the loveliness of the blogging community for so long. Out of the blue, the summer began to speed up in a swirl of home projects, classroom preparations, and family fun. While it was a wonderful, though highly unexpected break, I still missed all my blogging buddies during the interim.
I am looking forward to returning to blogging on a more consistent basis; however I will most likely be posting less frequently than I did earlier this summer. My goal is to still post at least three times per week.
Why this sudden change? I am a school teacher and not only is school about to resume full-time, but this year I will be teaching in a totally different capacity than I have the five previous years. New curriculum, new grade level, and a very special set of students will be exciting, but also demand a lot of extra time on my part. Blogging is an amazing blessing in my life, but my kiddos, my health, and my family come first. I have learned that means I have to cut back even on things I enjoy doing if those three very important items are to be truly given my all.
But please do not worry, dear friends! While you may be hearing less from me, I will be on here more than I was these past couple of weeks. I just wanted you to know what life changes were happening so you do not wonder where I was or if I was ignoring you. I would never want that!
There are many happy projects reaching completion, so check back later this coming week for some brand new posts.
In the meantime, may your days be blessed with sweetness!